~sightRipple Homepage - Download

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sightRipple Project Page

How to install sightRipple

If you have downloaded the binary distribution of ~sightRipple, there are two possiblities: You have downloaded a version with or without a setup program.

The release names

There are three releases on the download page. If you are wondering what they are, this is where to look.

This is the source code to the program. If you wish to contribute or use some of the code (please review the license for this), (or even want to compile the program yourself,) this is the package you would want to download.
This is the resources for the program. This package should only be downloaded if you want to change the basic graphics in the program or simply want to see those. In this you will find both the layered (The GIMP .XCF files) and the files used in the program (jpeg, bmp and ico)
This is the binary release of the program. If you simply wish to take a look at ~sightRipple and use it or if you want to contribute as BETA tester (these can easily be combined ;) ), this is the package you would want to download

Binary distribution

This version include a setup program that should be used to install the program. Simply unpack the downloaded file in a temporary folder and run the Setup.exe program and follow the instructions, and you should be up and running in no time.

Sourcecode release

To use this for anything you need (!) Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 or later (prefferably with ServicePack 3). Unpack the files into a folder of your choice and make the following changes to the source files (if nececary, i.e. Visual Basic mocks you about missing files and "Object not loaded" and such):

This file MUST reside in your Windows\system (or winnt\system32) folder, or the program won't load. See bellow if the file is there but the project still won't load... Make sure the references and objects are correctly listed in the VBP file.
Line 4: You need to change this line to fit your machine, or the program won't load into the IDE. Find out what to change it to by creating a project that contain this object (the RichTextBox) and save it. View the project file for this saved project and grab the line from it and replace the line in sightRipple.vbp with this one.


If you want to uninstall ~sightRipple, you have to remove the program folder yourself, even if you use the uninstall option in the Add/ Remove Programs component in the Control Panel. This is due to initialization files created after you install the program.

SourceForge Logo Designed with ~sightRipple - A HTML Editor with a twist... Graphics by The Gimp
~sightRipple is released under the GPL license... Visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/ for more info on the licence