Documentation Repository
- Help system
The online help system distributed with sightRipple. Contains a general introduction to the program interface, tutorials and more.
- HTMR Standard Definition
Definition of the HTMR Standard used as a base for the production of the ~sightRipple homepage editor.
- HTML 4 Definition
(remote) The HyperText Markup Language version 4 (HTML 4) definition by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- CSS2 Definition
(remote) The Cascading Style Sheets level 2 (CSS2) definition by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Please note, this is what we want to have sometime :) There is nothing here yet... The link is broken
- ~sightRipple Manual
The ~sightRipple manual formated for printout or viewing on screen. A4 paper format.